Friday, 18 December 2015

How To Play Gameboy Advance Games your PC or Mac

To Play Pokemon Games on your PC, Laptop or Mac

1.First go to 
And download the Gameboy Advance Emulator.

2. Go to and go ahead find your favourite Gameboy Advance Game

3. Extract the Gameboy Advance Emulator and Open the Application and run your Gameboy Advance Game

4. If the Game doesn't work or not run go to
its Options- Emulator-Save type and click on Flash 128k and reset the game and it should work!       (No  Virus)

                                   Enjoy :)

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Pokemon GO!

Pokemon Go! is coming to 2016 Plus there's a Pokemon Go! Watch

               This is the Pokemon GO! Watch

                               This is the Pokemon Go Trailer

Best Pokemon Team.........

6 Strongest Pokemon For Your Team........
You can go to : to find your pokemon

1. Crunch
2. Giga Impact
3. Fire Blast 
4. Iron Tail

Image result for scizor2.Scizor
1. Steel Wing
2. Iron Tail
3. Iron Head
4. X-Scissor

Image result for gardevoir
1. Moon Blast 
2. Hypnosis
 Dream Eater 
4. Psychic

1. Hyper Beam
2. Giga Impact
3. Fire Blast
4. Earthquake

5. Dragonite
1. Outrage
2. Hurricane
3. Dragon Rush
4. Fly

1. Volt Tackle
2 .Thunder
3. Thunderbolt
4. Wild Charge

Monday, 28 September 2015